Diabolical Thoughts
Big week for me: DIABOLICAL THOUGHTS is live!
This is the special telepathy issue that I’ve guest-edited for Diabolical Thoughts. Four stories about sharing minds and thoughts — and, as is Diabolical’s wont, these stories zip between the surreal, the delightful, the unsettling and the intimate. Or all of them together. They’re all wonderfully strange and unexpected, and as you might imagine, I love them all dearly.
You can read the entire issue right here.
Here’s the full table of contents:
Editorial: Thoughts on Thoughts, by Ziv Wities, 410 words
The human brain has got a lot to answer for.
Rattenkönig, by Jenova Edenson, 3650 words
Three tangled teens on a road trip have nothing but each other.
The Hivemind’s Royal Jelly, by Josh Pearce, 860 words
The Desert’s Voice is Sweet to Hear, by Carolina Valentine, 3870 words
The desert had been trying to kill Zazy for two days. Gently. Lovingly.
A Girl With a Planet in Her Eye, by Ruth Joffre, 870 words
At first, the planet in the aqueous humors of her left eye was silent. And then: music.